Prepping for your photos


What to wear

Choose clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Coordinating outfits can create a cohesive look while reflecting your personal styles. Aim for one neutral color and two complementary colors in your palette. Avoid neon, bright colors, bold patterns, logos, or clashing hues.

*For Her:*

Dresses with movement add elegance to your photos. Tunics, either fitted or flowy, work well too. Don't wear anything too tight, loose, see-through, or strapless. Accessories like hairpieces, jewelry, or scarves can add stylish touches.

*For Him:*

Chinos paired with a button-up shirt or a collarless pullover henley shirt are stylish yet casual. Bow ties, suspenders, and blazers can create a tailored look. Minimalist footwear like dress shoes, converse, vans, or boots is ideal. Avoid athletic shoes or bright white sneakers.


Consider going barefoot, especially for beach sessions. Minimal, non-bold shoes work if you prefer. Slip-on shoes for walking between shots are also handy.

*Personal Preparation:*

Prioritize a good night's sleep and stay hydrated for healthy-looking skin. Attend to your hair and nails, ensuring they're clean and freshly painted if needed. Enjoy a light snack before the session to avoid feeling hungry.

*During the Session:*

Empty your pockets of items like cellphones and keys. Store them in my camera bag if needed. Remove sunglasses and hats unless planned. Eyeglasses are fine if you normally wear them.

*Posing Tips:*

Expect a mix of posed and candid shots. If you have mobility restrictions, please let me know. Maintain most of your weight on one leg, keeping the other slightly bent. Guys, keep your hands in your pockets with a thumb out. Keep your chin slightly up and out to avoid double chins. Keep your hands relaxed, not balled into fists.