Prepping for your photos


What to wear

Do you have a certain color that you really love to wear? Wear it! Find something that makes you feel great! If you are comfortable in what you are wearing, it will transfer to your photos. Being comfortable and confident in what we're wearing can make a huge difference in how we feel and how relaxed we are in front of the camera. After all the focus is you and your family not just your wardrobe. Keep it simple, comfy and don’t try to stray too far from something you would normally wear. Everyone does not need to be matching! It is much more flattering when everyone is coordinating incorporating their own style. Choose a color palette that will create a cohesive look, one neutral color with two complementary colors. I personally love the way pastel colors photograph, teal, light pink coral (not the orange coral),love all blues, light yellow/green, pink and white in the summer. In the fall I love burgundy, blush, green, mustard/yellow and neutral shades. Please avoid neon, bright or bold colors, it leaves terrible color casts and it unflattering, Avoid bold patterns, logos, large images, or clashing colors. Patterns like stripes, chevron, plaid, polka dots can be very distracting in an images. You don’t have to completely avoid patterns, in moderation a subtle floral pattern in one outfit can photograph beautifully. Please try and iron or steam you clothes before your session.

For moms and girls

Dresses are always flattering, and photograph beautifully. Dresses with movement add an extra touch of grace and elegance to your photos! If you don’t love dresses, wear clothing that is flattering and comfy on you. Tunics either fitted or flowy are nice. Avoid wearing anything that is too tight/loose, see through, or strapless. Don't forget to accessorize! Little touches like hair accessories, the right jewelry, a sun hat or a scarf in fall can add the perfect stylistic touches to your photos.

For dads and boys

Chinos paired with a sharp button up shirts or nice collarless pullover henley shirt look casual and comfortable yet stylish!. Bow ties and suspenders with a nice blazer can add a masculine and tailored look in as photos well.


As far as footwear goes unless you are opposed to this I ask you take socks and shoes if we will be the on the beach, barefoot is best! You can bring a pair on easy slip on shoes to walk between shots. If barefoot is not for you that’s ok too, look for something minimal one that is not bold and doesn’t stand out. For non beach sessions wear dress shoes, sandals converse, vans, boots, avoid athletic shoes and bright white sneakers.

Aside from preparing your wardrobe its just as important to prepare yourself. Getting a great night sleep before your session will help you feel and look more rested. Be sure to drink plenty of water they day before and day of your session. This will help make your skin look healthy and hydrated. Don’t forget about your hair and nails. Please make sure all nails are cleaned out underneath. If wearing polish have it newly painted. If you want to have photos with your hair up and down, start with it down.

Have everyone enjoy a light snack before the shoot to avoid being Hangry. Avoid chewing gum or eating during the session. Please take all things out of your pockets for the shoot such as your cellphones, keys, etc... I bring a camera bag to every session and I am happy to store any of those items during the session. Please take off any sunglasses or unplanned hats during the session. Eyeglasses are fine if it is what you normally wear and feel comfortable with.

I like to get shots from many angles during the shoot. We will do some posed and some candid. If either of you have restrictions to sitting or kneeling please let me know. During the shoot try and keep most weight on one leg only with the other slightly bent. Guys, keep your hands in your pocket with a thumb out. Remember chin up and out slightly to avoid double chin. Try not to ball up hands into fists, keep them open and relaxed.